Saldang School 2017 Appeal
For 2017, in addition to Saldang School’s regular operating costs, there are several projects that are in acute need of funding; roof repair to leaking classrooms, repair of the clay compound wall that was damaged in unusually heavy rains, relocation of parts of the compound wall to enclose all the buildings (including the new greenhouse and toilets!), and the installation of a water pipe to a new source of water, a spring Pema has found in the mountains. (They had no snowfall in the winter of 2015/16 so the water situation is much more desperate than normal.) They are also hoping to restore a telecommunications system that allowed the very ill or seriously injured remote access to a doctor in Kathmandu. If this system could include even limited internet it would open a world of new education opportunities to the students.
There is also a critical need to help fund a student, Tenzin, who graduated from class 6 in 2016, to continue his education in Kathmandu. There is room for four students each year at Shelter108 in Kathmandu but in 2017 there are six graduates needing accommodation. These are bright kids with a strong desire to continue their studies, and to return to and serve their village, with very little pay. My German counterpart, Tobas, is currently investigating the options for the students. And although it is not part of their mandate to fund students in Kathmandu, there is no reason it can’t be part of ours.
Download our Fund Raising Appeal for Donations to Saldang School 2017
Please click on the links below for more information and images.
It always seems impossible, until it’s done.
– Nelson Mandela.